I’m Diane Davis
But you probably figured that out
from the website address, right?
While this website is about YOU, it is good to know who you’re reading about and where that person is coming from. That’s the purpose of this page.
Want the short, bullet point list? Click here.
Throughout my life, I have pursued several different things, had many different interests. Many were very exciting. Most were challenging. Some were very short-lived. Others lasted decades.
Yet at age 65, I felt that there just
HAD to be MORE to life!

40+ years of working with
people and businesses
At that point I had 40+ years’ experience working with people…initially in working with individuals to turn personal aspects of their lives around…and for the latter 35+ years to turn businesses operations around. While the first years focused on various types of operations, that transitioned into a narrower niche of multi-family housing. My job was to fix what was wrong…what was broken.
I had invested so much time, money and sweat into schooling, continuing education, building my practice, networking, etc. It had paid off. I was doing well but …
I should have felt fulfilled...
something was missing
While I felt that this was very fulfilling (helping business owners recognize the problems, fix the problem, and move toward greater profitability and growth was fulfilling, right?) and I was very good at it, I also felt that there had to be more to who I was and what I was doing.
I was starting to feel:
• A little bored … the challenge wasn’t there
• Anxious and unsettled … the passion was missing
• Disconnected from the “why” God had put me on this earth - my purpose
• Stuck and not knowing where to turn - which path was the right one
• As if I had no one to talk to about these thoughts and feelings.
Maybe you too are at this point...
• Maybe you feel like something is missing
• Maybe you are looking for more of a challenge out of life
• Maybe you want to ignite that internal flame of passion
• Maybe you recognize that God has a specific calling on everyone’s life – and that while you have been very successful to this point in life, it is time for you to find the specific purpose for “why” you are on this earth at this point in time
Everyone has within them the ability to leave a legacy
The ability to positively change the trajectory of other people’s lives. Everyone can live their lives in alignment with God’s specific calling/purpose behind your legacy - with clarity, purpose, and power!
Yet only those who willingly dig deep inside, who face their conflicts and fears, who take responsibility for their lives, will experience this level of joy, fulfillment, and contentment.
Are You?
Are you ready to transform your life?
Are you committed to doing what it takes?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions,
let’s talk!


It is my hope that the bullet points below will help explain how I came to the point where I work with successful people who are ready to leap off the hamster wheel their very good life has become…but want a little support as they explore this next chapter of their lives. Together we find the passion behind “why” God has them here at this point in time. And transform that passion into a legacy that positively changes the trajectory of other people’s lives.
Basically what I love to do…what this comes down to is this:
I walk beside people, hold their hand, keep them accountable and kick butt as needed.
Born in Minnesota and grew up in northeast Minneapolis
2 adult children who I love dearly, like the people they are becoming, and am very proud of them
Hobbies include community theater, horse back riding, board games, and reading mystery novels
Discovered early in life that I saw the world differently from many others – seeing what could be rather than just accepting and settling for the accepted norm.
Learned very early on to be an overachiever and perfectionist (either doing it 110% or not at all)…traits which defined a good chunk of my life.
When through a period of burnout with my consulting practice. That’s when I came to the realization that God has a specific calling on my life to change the trajectory of other people’s lives.
Determined to make it my mission to change the trajectory of the lives of 1 Million people.
Now I work with successful individuals (leaders, professionals and entrepreneurs) who are looking for the “why”/the “purpose” God has them here on this earth at this time – that “why”/that “purpose” that motivate them to join me on my mission and together we will leave a legacy of a Million changed lives.
University of Minnesota (sociology and social work)
Texas Tech University Law School (Doctor of Jurisprudence)
Presbyterian Church USA Commissioned Lay Pastor Program
Extensive postgraduate training (business and its many facets)
Continuing education (law, business, and real estate)
Certified Elite Coach
5+ years of social work focused on young women identified as being “at risk”
10 +/- years of division turn around working within the corporate structure of a private American global food corporation.
25+ years of consulting with real estate investors on property acquisition, transition, management, and sale.
Several past entrepreneurial ventures (All initially successful with some that caught in the real estate crisis of 2008/2009. But even this crisis proved to be a good learning experience that was and is applied to the other past adventures and is applied to current endeavors.)
Several current entrepreneurial ventures. (All current ventures are works in progress as I strive to do things with God’s direction and timing…as opposed to my own which in the past meant "I will make it work even if I have to jam a round peg in a square hole”.

If so, we should sit down and talk! Let’s clarify exactly what’s making you feel that way, let’s examine what some of your potential options might be, and see if working together could help you navigate this season of your life. Click the button below and receive a time to chat. No commitments. No obligation.